
   Brahmo Balika Shiksalaya


Montessori Section

While in Europe, Lady Abala Bose was impressed by the Montessori method of teaching at the pre-primary level. In 1930, she started a Montessori section within the Brahmo Balika Shikshalaya school campus. Miss Meher Vakil and Miss Maya Some who were trained abroad as Montessori teachers along with Mrs. Sovana Nandi were appointed teachers of this section. Later Lady Bose sent Mrs. Nalini Raha to Rome to get trained under Madame Montessori. Later in 1935, Mrs. Raha took charge of the Montessori section. She introduced different types of activities for the development of the children.

Classes in Montessori Section

Montessori Beginners
Lower Montessori
Upper Montessori
Advanced Montessori Lower (Class I)
Advanced Montessori Upper (Class II)
Advanced Montessori Standard (Class III)
Advanced Montessori Higher Standard (Class IV)
Senior Montessori Lower (Class V)
Senior Montessori Upper (Class VI)
Senior Montessori Standard (Class VII)
Senior Montessori Higher Standard (Class VIII)

Age Limit: 2+ to 13+

Phone: (+91) (33) 23507262; e-mail: bbs.montessori@gmail.com